So, last week, thinking I’m a big shot now, with my own sports site and all, picked 11 games, instead of the usual handful of five.
I need to go back to cherrypicking. I had far and away the worst weekend of the season, the only losing slate of the campaign. Five right. Six wrong. Ouch.
Which makes my totals for the season, 54 yeah, 22 boo.
It’s been a hectic week, and standing in line at the grocery killed a whole day, so I’m late with this week’s prognostications, the last of the season.
As a testament to what a stand up guy I am, even though I surely would have picked U of L last night, as I have every single week this year, and could, trusting my own veracity, claim that as a correct pick, I advise I’m bigger than that. Transparency is what I’m about here.
So, congrats to the Cards, who are on their way to Orlando. Let’s take a look at the few, fascinating games left this weekend.
Northern Illinois vs. Bowling Green (Detroit). I have some advice for Tim Tebow. Tim, before you head off to play for, who is it, Milan in the Italian Football League, give the Huskies’ Jordan Lynch a call. Lynch is a “Heisman candidate.” He plays “your” position, quarterback, though he’s been know to set up as a wideout and catch a toss or two. Asked about playing in the NFL — Not the IFL — he expressed his desire to play QB, but quickly confirmed he’ll play anywhere to stay in the league. You were the guy who, when last cut, said you still intended to play signal caller for pay, even though nobody wants you on the payroll, right? If Northern wins, they’ll be headed to a BCS bowl for the second year in a row. Who among you had that parlay? The Falcons are 9-3 and not a bad club. There’s a history of upsets in the MAC title game. At least I remember one, when Ball State or somebody came in undefeated and were crunched. But I like Lynch’s style. And his play. Northern Illinois wins and crashes the BCS party, like the guy in a bathrobe down the hall crashes Heloette the hairdressers’ BYOB holiday bash.
Stanford @ Arizona State. Dido you happen to read about all the bonuses Todd Graham’s picked up this season? The Sun Devils coach scored an additional $50 large, just for autographing a photo for the trainer to put in her mama’s stocking. The home team hasn’t lost since Notre Dame came calling the first Saturday of October. But, and it’s a big but, their other L was at the hands of The Cardinal in Palo Alto. Guess who is dropping into A State’s house tomorrow? The Silicon Valley Boys are supposed to be here, but made it a struggle, losing in Utah and to Southern Cal during Ed Orgeron’s bid to be named permanent coach of the Trojans. It’s hard to pick against a home team, but I am. Any school with a tree as a mascot is just alright with me.
Florida State vs. Duke (Charlotte). Uh, no friggin’ way.
Ohio State vs. Michigan State (Indianapolis). For all the gloat by its members, that schools in the Big Ten are academic institutions, the conference remains arithmetically challenged. The Big Ten has 12 schools, and soon enough will have 2 more without a rebranding. But there’s one number out of the midwest that is impressive. 24. That’s how many games Pope Urban Meyer has won at the helm of the Buckeyes during his two year stint there. With NO losses. Sparty only has one blemish this campaign, which happened during a trip to South Bend.1I think Michigan State is good, and I’ve always liked the Green since the mid 50s when their star was Clarence Peak and they played in a couple Rose Bowls. I’d love to see the upset. But I don’t predict it will happen.
Missouri vs. Auburn (Atlanta). So, as inclined as I am to tell the same joke over and over again, allow me to inquire: How many of you out there in the cybergalaxy predicted this SEC championship game matchup before the season started? That’s right, zero. But this Network Battle of the Tigers should be a good one. Will Auburn be able to focus, a week after the whole town was toilet papered after that little W in the Iron Bowl? Is Mizzou ready for Prime Time its second season in America’s Greatest Conference Ever? Each has lost only once. Auburn in Baton Rouge. Missouri in Columbia. Neither L is anything to be ashamed of. I love Gus Malzahn’s offense. I think his is the better team. But I gotta hunch. Mizzou is gonna Show Me. And you.
— Seedy K
Points spreads, sir, point spreads