Is there a more satisfying way to end the regular NFL season, than to watch — for what, the 3d year in a row? — Jerry Jones, expletives deleted, stomping out of his sky box at the JerryDome, his ‘Boys yet again a loser and out of the playoffs?
Always brings a smile to my face.
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It was an exciting way to end the 17 week, 16 game slog, leading to the playoffs.
Chip Kelly’s Philly securing the W late in Big D, Little a, Double ll, as, to make the playoffs.
That fourth down Rogers to Cobb miracle on the frozen tundra of Soldier’s Field, as the Pack ousted Da Bears in pro football’s oldest and most fabled rivalry.
KC’s Ryan Succup missing a chip shot FG that would have launched the Steelers into the post season.1 Adding to the intrigue is the major officiating miscue that should have given him another shot from five yards closer.
The rise of Carolina, which started the season 1-3, and finished it 11-1.
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I love the college hoops announcing experiment being attempted at The World Wide Leader.
Instead of the normal matchup of play by play guy with color announcer, they’ve teamed Jimmy Dykes and Fran Fraschilla together on several games.
I know a lot of folks don’t like Dykes, who obviously loves SEC hoops to a fault, but I’ve never found him that annoying. I think he and Fraschilla are a good match.
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Angel Nunez — remember him, Cardinal fans? — has become eligible, and has played in Gonzaga’s two most recent games.
The kid, who was apparently told he had no future in red & black, is averaging 7 points and 4 rebounds . . . in only 13.5 minutes of action.
One has to ask: Did The Rick go Chauncey Billups on the kid way too soon?
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Sayonara Greg Schiano. Maybe you should have paid more attention to details other than bum rushing foes who were simply running out the clock at game’s end.
Sayonara Mike Shanahan. Getting along with one’s star QB is a basic job qualification. Winning also helps.
Sayonara Leslie Frazier.
Sayonara Jim Schwartz. The Lions started 6-3, but spit out the bit down the stretch.
Sayonara Rob Chudzinski. You were jobbed, being given less than a year — literally — to turn things around in Cleveland.
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On a personal note, I’m keeping Joey the Vig and his emissaries at bay.
Against the spread, I correctly picked Ole Miss, Oregon and Texas Tech to win yesterday.
Which prognosticatory acumen rocketed me up the Bowl Pool standings into a tie for third, just a wafer thin point behind the co-leaders.
Please join me today in rooting for UCLA, Mississippi State and Duke.
— Seedy K