This is the way a magical Flight of the Redbird ends, not with a bang but a whimper.
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Before one of Louisville’s exhibition basketball games — one of those actually designated so, not one of the spate of them since the “real” season began — I was chatting up a fellow long time fan about the state of Kevin Ware.
While our mutual love for the Cardinals is deep and true, we rarely agree about any specific. But, that night, he offered of Ware, “I just have a feeling it’s not going to be a good end for him at U of L.”
I felt compelled to agree.
And, while neither of us hopes it is so, that may yet come to pass. There seemed an ominous undertone to The Rick’s pronouncement yesterday that the kid who won the nation’s heart during the regional last year is going to “redshirt” this season.
But my pal might have also been talking of oft disciplined to apparently little avail Chane Behanan. His career as a Cardinal has come to a truly sad — and mysterious — end.
Like just about everybody, I haven’t any insider info about the true cause of his downfall.
Were I to make conjecture, and I guess I’m about to do just that, I’d guess it has something to do with being in contact with an emissary for a pro agent. My basis is the merest sliver of “evidence,” The Rick’s comment yesterday about Chane getting a “legitimate agent.” Or something to that effect.1
But that’s my guess, and I’m sticking to it . . . until I change my mind
The few who really know what’s up aren’t talking. The rest of us don’t know.
But here’s what I know for absolute sure. Under the current regime, it’s always a soap opera around the men’s basketball program. Always.
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So the loss of two key components from last year’s championship run is just one of the year end blows in CardinaLand.
Calvin Pryor, Louisville football’s best defender, is off to the NFL.
If Teddy Bridgewater doesn’t follow, I’ll eat this ergonometric keyboard I’m typing on. Raw. And without condiments to add flavor.
And wouldn’t DeVante Parker joining them be just swell?
Then there was that L on the hardwood Saturday, about which I shall say no more.
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Of the other potential losses of worry to those garbed in red & black, losing Charlie Strong to Texas is not of them.
It would seem the most ill of fits.
Again it is a topic about which I have no more info than you. But, I would be dumbfounded if Strong lands in Austin.
Were I a betting man, I’d bet a dollar on Vandy’s James Franklin.
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The losses of Behanan and Ware means it’s back to the drawing board to fill out the Cards’ rotation.
Anton Gill, Akoy Agau, come on down and play.2
It’ll be interesting to see if either are thrown into the fire this afternoon, as the basketball team ventures to the site of Louisville’s recent shining pigskin moment.
Given all the other stuff happening, I can’t even imagine what things might feel like around town if Teddy B and the Cardinal pigskinners hadn’t performed so elegantly Saturday night?
— Seedy K
True Cardinal fans feel just fine, Mr. Wildcat. The glorious 2013 campaign has almost concluded….the latest, a romp over a traditional power in its home state before 30,000 of its most passionate fans. A huge win—against a school that we challenge for recruits. Plus, we had what? 17 footballers graduate–some on time,others early. (How long will it take your wildCals to graduate 17 players?) some of these have the opportunity to pursue their dreams to play and get paid a handsome sum. This can only increase the value of a Card s’ship and (hopefully) more and more of these caliber of players in the red and black.
Compare and contrast to your boys in blue. Yes, things are just fine…now and in 2014 in our new ACC home!