Texas Fat Cat Red McCombs on Charlie Strong Hire (Press Conference Video)

I trust you’ve heard by now that Texas billionaire Red McCombs has been, well, somewhat less than gracious in his comments after his beloved Longhorns hired Charlie Strong to replace Mac Brown.

Those comments have lit up the internet this Tuesday afternoon.

SeedyKSports.com is proud to say we’re the first media outlet to obtain actual video footage of McCombs’ comments.

— Seedy K

3 thoughts on “Texas Fat Cat Red McCombs on Charlie Strong Hire (Press Conference Video)

  1. and I am relatively sure Charlie making references to the similarities in his job acquisition at both U of L and UT to Barack Obama’s “hiring as POTUS, didn’t endear himself with the Democrat loving citizens of the Lone Star State who as an electorate haven’t seemed particularly enchanted with President Obama…

  2. If Jurich can hold off for a few days Charlie Strong may apply for the job.. I’ve heard he’s pretty good.

  3. What a shock! A Texas billionaire booster bitching because he didn’t get his way—get used to it Charlie, get used to it………

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