I’ve never really paid attention to the academic standing of “student athletes.” The vast majority of college jocks are simply mercenaries, enrolled in one institution of higher learning or another for the sole purpose of continuing to participate competitively in the sports they love.
If they take advantage of the academic opportunity, good for them. If they coast, usually with the complicity of athletic departments and the presence of an easily maneuvered curriculum, so be it.
Big time college sports haven’t a thing to do education in the normal sense, nor are they your classic extracurricular activity.
That said, I pass along the news that, in the fall semester, the U of L men’s basketball team posted an average GPR of 3.47, the highest in the school’s history.
Which, all my indifference aside, is pretty damn cool.
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Now here are phenomena that do have everything to do with college sports.
Recruiting. Funky names. Obsession.
Apparently, several years back, Mike Rutherford of Card Chronicle became obsessed with a high school baller named Chicken Knowles. Simply because MR thought it would be cool if Chicken played for the Cards in the Bucket.
So, he started a campaign to bring him here. Half in jest. Half serious. He explains the chronology in this post.
Anyway, Chicken landed in Houston. And makes his first visit tonight to the Bucket.
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I have no idea how good a defensive coach Todd Grantham is?
What I do know is how stunning it is that the D Coordinator at Georgia would move to a similar spot at Louisville.
Which reminds me once again how the Louisville Cardinals, whom I’ve loved since they were without conference affiliation, hooped at the Jefferson County Armory, and footballed at Parkway Field, are soon in the ACC and firmly in the upper echelon of college athletics.
“Big time, Bill! Big time.”
So, I have an excuse for this sorta, kinda relevant musical interlude.1
The Cardinals are indeed Big Time now.
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I agree with Coach Cal that UK’s L in Fayetteville is no reason to jump off the roof of Kirwan Tower. I shan’t repeat my belief about the difficulty of conference games on the road.
That said, the absence on the game-winning play of the most basic of rebounding fundamentals — blocking out — should be somewhat worrisome.
Fact is that’s a lost art.
I’ve seen players this season actually called for a foul, when all they did was put their butt into a guy’s midsection and keep him away from the basket. That’s Basketball 101.
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I haven’t talked a whole lot about pro football here this season.
But, I have been watching, and look forward to Sunday’s double header. Both games are compelling matchups.
The QB Smackdown of the Pats in Denver.
And the Texas Chainsaw Loser Leaves Town Death Match that is San Fran vs. Seattle. The problem with that game is which team to root for. I have a distinct dislike for the Harbaughs. And haven’t been fond of Pete Carroll since he jumped ship at Southern Cal, as if he had no part in the shenanigans there.
What I’m really hoping for are two compelling battles. Not much suspense in last weekend’s contests.
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Question du Jour: Who is hotter?
Clayton Kershaw, with his 7 year, $210 million contract with the Dodgers?
Or, Melbourne, with its 110 degree heat at the Aussie Open?
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The United States’ soccer squad is in Brazil, practicing and getting acclimated to the culture in advance of this summer’s World Cup.
They lost a scrimmage yesterday to Sao Paulo, 1-2.
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In the latest Ken Pomeroy ratings, Louisville is 14th. Kentucky is 17th. Indiana is 54th.
— Seedy K
Q: will your Lions ever get to the Super Bowl? And if they do, are you paying $10,000 to go? Answers….
Pomeroy is a traitor….
Sao Paulo is good….
Kershaw….what a joke of a contract for a pitcher, even one of his status, since his next pitch may be his last…
Go Pats….but take the Broncos… and the 49’s are awesome and will win even at Seattle…bet on it…
I wish your Cayuts and their fans would jump off a building….
The Cards are big time–with or without Chicken Knowles…and
If you can’t tell the difference in the intelligence of the UofL athletes now as compared to say, 20-30 years ago, you aren’t paying attention….
Always a pleasure hearing from ardent fan of my blog JGJ.
sure JGJ must be right, because in the past decade we’ve seen MD’s like Lawhon, and Protenic, and school administrators like Branch, and business entrepreneurs like Bridgeman, the McCray’s, Houston, Harmon, Griffith, accountants/community leaders like Bond, teachers like Holden, attorneys like Windchy and D Webb come out of our basketball program. Aside from Lasege with a Wharton MBA, this decade has produced…… ? Certainly there were less than stellar students in all past decades. Could it be that GPA’s of all college students have followed the Dow Jones, S&P and become a bit inflated ? There is surely a great deal more academic support for today’s U of L athlete than there ever had been, and that is a good thing, but e-courses and grade inflation skew the view of “quick glances”.
Glad I got that of my chest !