This email just received from SID Kenny Klein:
“Chris Jones has been dismissed from the University of Louisville men’s basketball team. There will be no comment on the matter.”
And so the soap opera that has been the Rick Pitino Era at U of L takes another remarkable twist and turn.
— Seedy K
A bad apple. CJ is (and has been) my least favorite Cardinal b-baller ever.
CJ is to you, as T-Will was to me.
I must be weird…..loved both of their games….CJ was an under privileged Pitt bull….TWill was always the best athlete on the floor and got every 50-50 ball, but I fear he may be bi-polar.
CJ was probably this years Most Important Player, as proven in the Cuse game Wednesday.
It has been many a year since I have enjoyed a season less than this one. Roseanne Roseannadanna was right……”It’s always something.”
If extricating a toxic presence from the team allows the young kids on this year’s team to function with less drama and lower expectations/less pressure to perform and have a chance to learn what team ball is about, and not “see how important I am” ball then decreasing the likeliehood of a stellar close to the season may be well worth it. Suspension evidently hadn’t had a meaningful effect on CJ, but maybe dismissal sends a message to players now and future of the importance of team unity and team discipline.
The Don must have some kind of perverse satisfaction in always recruiting “projects.” It’s wearing on me.