Seedy’s Second Helping: SMU

Once again that unfathomable result from Big D Little a Double ll a S:

Louisville 98, Southern Methodist 73.

 * * * * *

Pro forma self indulgent intro:

Alright, where were we?

That’s right, I was falling into sleep deprivation mode, my already addled mind was checking out, me fingers was freezing.

So I cut GameCap short. Shut it down. Knowing if I dreamt at all, if I dreamt about SMU, it would be last night’s wünderbar smackaround, not that ’67 comeuppance.

Actually, I kinda dreamt about last night’s W. Sorta.

In dreams, I decided to go off honky tonkin’ into the night to celebrate the W. Like it was Back in the Day or something. At one place, the barkeep yelled out, “I was worried at the half, but we did OK.”

“Uh,” I corrected, “We were up 23 at the break.”

(Should have been 25, but Chucky Hepburn had his one and only brain fart of the night. Committed his 2d foul with seconds to play on a silly reach in, surrendering two FTs. Chucky, we need you to always be available. Be wise. Be insured.)

Still in slumber, I sauntered through a restaurant owned by a friend. She wondered, “Whatever are you smiling about, I can’t imagine.”

Grinning she threw up the L sign.

Then I awakened as I did way too often on the really frigid night.

 * * * * *

Now the grist, a few more takeaways on the game.

Including some shoutouts to astute observers/ members of the commentariat at the Chron and my vanity sports site.

Doc observed how Pat Kelsey cleverly called for reviews on plays, just to sneak in some extra rest for his egregiously shorthanded squad. (Noah Waterman was out again.)

Loyal reader waittilthisyear called what’s happening with these Cardinals, a “magic carpet ride.”

Indeed. Steppenwolf ‘r’ Us.

And cardinalredville proclaimed “This is just a proper team.”

Yes, the perfect descriptor.

U of L is a proper team.

Kudos also to my man Dough, who invoked B.J. Thomas, talking “Reyne drops.”

10 from Down Under, in only 17 launches. The last ordered by PK when he learned the school record was in play. Saquon that.

 * * * * *

Hepburn’s 16 assists were also a record. Some were astounding, several cross-court skip passes to RS for a few of those triples.

Three at least to Slammeister for his matter of fact flushes. Love how James Scott doesn’t hot dog. Just jams the orange in the basket and gets back on D.

 * * * * *

Khani Rooths — Baby Rooths per CardBird a former mascot — had his best game yet.

17 minutes. 12 points 4/5. 2/2. 2/3. 7 rebounds.

Scott had 16 and 2. 2 assists.

J’Vonne Hadley: 16 and 7.

Terrence Edwards was a little off on O. But as usual, way on at the defensive end.

Still scored 9. With 4 rebounds and 5 dimes.

Kader Traore didn’t score from the field, but he wiped the glass 4 times in 13 minutes. And checked his assignment so closely on D, he could smell the Mustang stench.

I feel compelled to reiterate: 27 assists on 31 made FGs. 17/19 at the free throw line.

 * * * * *

J’Vonne Hadley committed his fourth foul with 10:02 until the buzzer.

Chucky Hepburn committed his fourth foul with 9:31 left.

James Scott committed his fourth foul with 8:11 to go.

A bracing two minute stretch for a thin team.

Reyne Smith committed his fourth foul with 1:48 on the clock. 24 seconds before his record setting triple.

Aggressive D did not wane.

None of the indispensable quartet fouled out.

 * * * * *

Verbose as I am, I simply do not have enough of the right words to talk about what Pat Kelsey has done.

I still think back to his intro press conference in front of skeptical faithful and how one could feel the room warm and turn in his favor when he was telling the joke about walking around heaven looking at coach’s homes.

Louisville Basketball has been upticking ever since.

 * * * * *

Snark Report:

SMU coach Andy Enfield with his comb forward doo is leader in the clubhouse for this year’s Gene Keady Combover Award.

Peripatetic Matt Cross had 18 and 11.

Where was that game during his stop in the Ville?

 * * * * *

Next Tuesday in the Yum!: Wake Forest.

Don’t bother knockin’/ The joint ‘ll be rockin’.

— c d kaplan



2 thoughts on “Seedy’s Second Helping: SMU

  1. Nice recap – I’ll give Cross a pass on his game while in the Ville….it was, what, 5 years ago. Maybe a slight exagerration, but he has had time to develop – and good for him that he has.

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