I forget a lot of things as I too rapidly approach the onus of octogenariasm.
Like what I had for breakfast just a few hours ago.
OK, not that really, as a man of habitual rhythm, that meal has been the same since whenever.
But, as much as I do recall about Louisville Cardinal basketball, there’s more I’ve forgotten. And, mea culpa, stuff I didn’t realize.
So, credit to Eric Crawford whom I hereby plagiarize after reading his game story, there’s an astounding perspective of this joyful ever surprising bunch of Cards.
In a hallowed history that includes three nattys, an NIT, an NAIA, ten FFs (Think that’s right, counted on my fingers?), status as the Team of the 70s, home to two HoF coaches with a third in place, this revivalist put together gang has done something hard to comprehend that no U of L contingent ever did before.
Five 20+ point victories on foe’s home courts.
My mouth’s agape.
The gifts keep on a comin’.
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James Scott is a gamer. Continue reading Hoopaholic’s Gazette: Cardinal Update & Updata +