Tag Archives: College Pigskin

U of L CardFile: Sun Bowl W

May the Schwartz be with you.

Yes, I know Carter Schwartz’s much needed 54 yard punt, downed by Kris Hughes at the UDub three yard line, was not the play of the game.

But, it’s bowl season, the Cards played guys we’ve never heard of, the Huskies have a dy-no-mite real rookie QB — clearly star of the game — the game was entertaining . . .

. . . and U of L won.


After Antonio Watts made the true play of the game, breaking up Washington’s attempt for a deuce to win it in regulation.

So yeah, I went full on Space Balls. Continue reading U of L CardFile: Sun Bowl W

Seedy K’s Peerless Pigskin Prognostications: CFP, R1

There’s one reason and one reason only why this post, this predictions exist.

Joey the Vig.

Real name: John Wagner. May He Rest in Peace.

It was his annual bowl pool which I’d banter about yearly. And enter with some success and way more failure.

Until it ended a few years back after his way too early, way too young, and therefore untimely demise.

He was just a good damn guy, a former HS math teacher who loved spread sheets and being an interlocutor for various wagering endeavors among his ever increasing cadre of guys and gals who loved some action. Bowl pools. Baseball pools. In season football pools.

John would take a minimal slice off the top for his efforts. What he loved more was the interaction of his acolytes. The keeping track.

And he loved that somebody a few states south of his Michigan home had turned him into a fictional mythical icon.

So, John, with tears in my eyes, I advise these picks, as silly as they may be, are for you, my man.

This weekend’s Round Uno winners: Continue reading Seedy K’s Peerless Pigskin Prognostications: CFP, R1

Fun is Bowling

This time of year is ever the moment to memorialize one Claude Poulan, who while supervising German prisoners cutting pulpwood in East Texas in the 40s sorta kinda mighta actually developed/ invented the chainsaw.

Then in Shreveport, started a company producing chainsaws.

Then, in a perhaps logical, more than likely circuitous progression the company began to sponsor the Independence Bowl.

At least for awhile.

While I am loathe to provide adverts when not being paid to do so, so marvelous is the monikor, Poulan Weedeater Independence Bowl, I can’t help myself.

May the name R.I.P..

That particular encounter is now sponsored by Radiance Something or Another. The funkiest tie in these days, one dude’s opinion, the Bad Boy Mowers Pinstripe Bowl.

Though it hardly stands out that much from the various and sundry scrimmages named for tax prep apps, insurance companies, cities, vacation housing providers, financial institutions, TV services, gas stations, tire brands, some doohickeys or another which remain elusive to define even after googling them, and of course most famously these days, food stuffs. Continue reading Fun is Bowling

Seedy’s Thursday Noise & Nonesense

You don’t need me to remind ye fellow bronconagurskians that the sport we cherish, college football, has gone wack a mole cwazeeee!

It’s like walking down the midway of the Shelby County Fair, that sideshow ping pong ball souvenir in your jeans’ back pocket, and all of sudden the place goes William Castle nutsarama.

The Tilt A Whirl flies off its bearings. The Bearded Lady starts running amok wanting to kiss everybody carrying four foot stuffed bear in their arms. The corn dog you bought actually has some taste to it.

Nothing makes real sense anymore.

But nothing, nothing at all, nothing we could have ever fathomed is as cockamamie as this, which I shall dub The Great Tar Heel Experiment.

72 year old Bill Belichick, who has never coached a college football game in his entire vaunted HOF career, whose bestie Nick Saban said “I’m outta there,” has taken on the task of being North Carolina’s football coach.

Uh, what?

You fuggin’ kiddin’ me?


Wilkommen to berserkamania, fans. Continue reading Seedy’s Thursday Noise & Nonesense

Seedy K’s Peerless Pigskin Prognostications: Title Week

One might have thought that playing with 12 vs. 11, and with the solemn but sacred spirit force of the Aggie Bonfire tragedy 25 years ago, that A&M would have taken down their hated rival Longhorns on home turf in College Station.

I did.

But these Aggies didn’t have the intestinal fortitude to prevail, like say The Bear’s Junction Boys.

So, I missed that one.

But . . . and it’s a mighty But . . . that was the only game I got wrong.

NC State over Mack Brown, mes freres, that was a gimme. Sayonara Coach, we really appreciate all you did and wish you and yours all the best in the future.

Tennessee over Vandy. It was tough, but predictable.

That Curt Cignetti would keep the pedal to the metal until the final gun: I-N-E -V-I-T-A-B-L-E. The Hoosiers went all Phillips 66 on the hapless Boilermakers.

U of L over Arch Rival. SMACKDOWN.

4-1 for the last weekend of the regular campaign. 61-22 for the season, my BOAT predictioneering.

And, now for Championship Week . . .

. . . this week’s winners: Continue reading Seedy K’s Peerless Pigskin Prognostications: Title Week

U of L CardFile: Kentucky

It is said that the word “defense” derives from an Old French term, which originated around 1300 give or take a year from the Latin “defensus.”

The French term “defense” it is also reported by those who know etymology is a past participle “defendre.”

What, you wanted me to get right to it.


If Fun is Bowling to those mired in a traffic jam along Shelbyville Road, Fun is  Giddiness for Cardinal fans, who finally have reached a state of exorcism on a frigid Saturday afternoon at Kroger Field.

Louisville 41 , Kentucky  14.

Demons be gone.

And, harkening back to the lede . . .

. . . Game Ball to U of L’s Defense.

Which brings us to my personal Play of the Game. Continue reading U of L CardFile: Kentucky

Seedy K’s Peerless Pigskin Prognostications: Rivalry Week

Last weekend was one where I was pretty pretty pretty bold with my picks.

Kansas has been playing well of late. I’m still not sold on the whole Sanders shtick in Colorado. Although son is a fine QB. So, picking the Jayhawks seemed logical. Which proved a correct assessment.

Plus, as with interest rates, it’s fun when Prime goes down.

North Carolina has been reeling. BC in November is not a nice place to play. And I’ve had Mack Brown atop my Dead Man Walking list for weeks now. BC won. Tar Heel AD Bubba Cunningham finally had enough of Brown, saying sayonara a few days after my pick played out.

Ohio State, Texas and Louisville were all pretty easy choices. But hey.

In the PAC2 title game, I came thissssssssssssss close to tabbing Oregon State. But I didn’t. Had the game finished 20 seconds earlier, I would have registered my second perfecto of the season. But it didn’t. A truly back and forth affair was my miss of the weekend.

5-1 for the weekend. 57-21 on the season.

Not bad.

This week’s winners: Continue reading Seedy K’s Peerless Pigskin Prognostications: Rivalry Week

U of L CardFile: Pittsburgh

Mea culpa.

I was not at the RR Yard for the game. Watched in the SeedyDome. With a couple of pals, one of whom — Bookstore Billy — I haven’t seen for awhile and is in from out of town. And Smarts. Then Billy’s son came by.

Given that the game got out of hand in the good guy’s favor early on, our distractions and bon mots and diversions and rehashing of tales told many times over took over the afternoon.

Usually, as odd as it may seem, I take copious notes from which I cull the swill I pass along as a game report.

Saturday I jotted down less than 20 words after the half, at which time Louisville led 27 zip.

Here they are quoted in toto.

In the 3d:

“Bell 68 y bobble sideline TD”


In the 4th:

“Corey Thornton pick”

“3 QB 3 picks”

“TS still in game?”

“Dan Furman RB” Continue reading U of L CardFile: Pittsburgh

Pigskin Palaver: Saturday’s Dog Day Afternoon

Not talking Atomic Dogs or underdogs.

Had enough of the latter on gameday to last until the 12th of Never.

(OK, maybe in a bit, hoping that a bit more venting might ease the pain of that epic meltdown.)

Talking real dog dogs.

And my favorite moment of Pigskin Saturday.


I discovered the empowering unconditional love of canines late in life. In the summer of ’04 when I met my future bride Joanie’s black Lab. Lilah the Love Dog.

We connected. The canine and future Mrs.. Such that the dear canine soon enough began sleeping on the floor beside my side of the bed. Much to the faux dismay of the Film Babe.

Then there was Abbey. The Sad Eyed Lady of the Highlands. The beagle who stole my heart and soul forever and always when we met at a rescue dog event at Hogan’s Fountain.

She ran to me sitting on the ground and started licking my face. I mean, come on, how you gonna turn away from that?

With all due respect to my bride, my family, U of L sports, Impellizzeri’s pizza and JazzFest, Abbey was and remains the Great Love of My Life.

Gone now years later, I still talk with her almost daily, standing at that portrait Joanie crafted, which you see above.

Then, Carbon, the Frenchie who never could get enough of my touch.

Which brings me to College Game Day from Athens. Continue reading Pigskin Palaver: Saturday’s Dog Day Afternoon

U of L CardFile: Stanford

In moments like this, Denny Crum had a go to line.

“We didn’t have a healthy respect for our opponent.”

The University of Louisville Cardinals obviously did not for the Stanford Cardinal.

Singular 38, Plural 35.

More often than not, you get what you deserve.

Like Saturday afternoon in Silicon Valley.

Stanford persevered. They deserved to win.

Louisville did not. And didn’t.

 * * * * *

When considering why games are won and lost, a factor always to be considered is statistical disparity. On occasion they are dispositive of the outcome. Continue reading U of L CardFile: Stanford