Tag Archives: Indiana Hoosiers

U of L CardFile: Indiana

There have obviously been improbable results for Louisville Basketball through the years.

Either by the final result, or the manner of victory (or defeat), or the margin of said score at 00:00.

But, for the life of me, I simply at this juncture, about a half an hour after the buzzer, cannot remember one as beautifully dumbfounding and improbable as what happened this Day Before Thanksgiving 2024.

Louisville 89, #14 Indiana 61.

Louisville 89, #14 Indiana 61.

One more glance at the official box to make sure that is not a typo, that I am remembering correctly.

And one more repetition . . .

. . . because my fingers are so happy typing it out.

Louisville 89, #14 Indiana 61.

And the absolute truth, to use a well worn cliché, which absolutely is apropos, The Game Was Not Nearly That Close.

At 5:45 left, Kasean Pryor stole the ball, streaked down for a fast break slam, making the score 82-45.


 * * * * *

Game Ball to Pat Kelsey. Continue reading U of L CardFile: Indiana

Seedy K’s Peerless Pigskin Prognostications: Rivalry Week

Last weekend was one where I was pretty pretty pretty bold with my picks.

Kansas has been playing well of late. I’m still not sold on the whole Sanders shtick in Colorado. Although son is a fine QB. So, picking the Jayhawks seemed logical. Which proved a correct assessment.

Plus, as with interest rates, it’s fun when Prime goes down.

North Carolina has been reeling. BC in November is not a nice place to play. And I’ve had Mack Brown atop my Dead Man Walking list for weeks now. BC won. Tar Heel AD Bubba Cunningham finally had enough of Brown, saying sayonara a few days after my pick played out.

Ohio State, Texas and Louisville were all pretty easy choices. But hey.

In the PAC2 title game, I came thissssssssssssss close to tabbing Oregon State. But I didn’t. Had the game finished 20 seconds earlier, I would have registered my second perfecto of the season. But it didn’t. A truly back and forth affair was my miss of the weekend.

5-1 for the weekend. 57-21 on the season.

Not bad.

This week’s winners: Continue reading Seedy K’s Peerless Pigskin Prognostications: Rivalry Week

Seedy K’s Peerless Pigskin Prognostications: Week XI

Edited 11/06 4:09 pm.

The University of Louisville Cardinals beat Clemson.

I picked the Tigers to win, as they had every time the schools met previously.

I was wrong.

It happens. I counted up. Six other times in my life. 😉

But blissfully so, this. Never has incorrectitude felt so good.

Say Hallelujah!!! I’m way more than happy to take the hit.

Penn State and Arkansas were a couple of underdog winners on my list. Underdogs they proved to deserve to be.

I was wrong about them also.

That trio of miscues was matched a an equal number I got right. SMU demolished Pitt. Rampaging Indiana overcame its first deficit of the year throttled Sparty, Rocky Top kept Kentucky at bay at the orange checkerboard.

3-3 brings me to 46-16 for the year. Still damn good.

This week’s winners: Continue reading Seedy K’s Peerless Pigskin Prognostications: Week XI

Seedy K’s Peerless Pigskin Prognostications: Week X

It was with a wry smile that I reacted to the recent news of changes to this year’s WSP, World Series of Prediction.

The organization that rules said premier of postseason events, CPPPPOCE (College Postseason Prediction Playoff Oligarchical Council of Elders) has in their wisdom decided to stay in lockstep with the CFP, expanding from 4 contenders to a dozen.

Why I greeted the news thusly should be obvious. Another 4-1 weekend — Pitt, Texas, IU, U of L right, UK wrong) propels me to 43-12 on the campaign.


In former years, with that record I’d easily be in the Final Four (for the first time I feel compelled to share), competing with only three others. Now there shall be twelve of us, and as it has been said, on any given weekend . . .

Given that I’ve just about lapped the field in the SM-NM Region (South Middle-North Midwest), known among us as the Big Mid, I’m pretty much assured a first round bye.

Absent some meltdown of Seminolian proportions, of course.

But, it’s still early.

Maybe baby come back next week, and I’ll be on a losing streak.

This week’s winners: Continue reading Seedy K’s Peerless Pigskin Prognostications: Week X

Seedy K’s Peerless Pigskin Prognostications: Week IX

Edited 1/24 6:10 am: I originally stated that Syracuse vs. Pittsburgh is Friday night. That game is on Thursday. Which means I have no idea whom the announcers will be. The Louisville/ Boston College battle is Friday night, which, given the networks normal MO, Andre Ware will be misannouncing the U of L game. Which is bad. But does allow non-vaccinated viewers an extra day to protect themselves. 

Corrections below. 

Is this where I sigh, go “ho hum” yet again, then advise that Jimmy the Greek has agreed to join my personal mentor Joey the Vig to introduce me when I’m inducted into the Prognosticators Hall of Fame?

Guess so.

I’ll provide the link where it shall be streaming when advised by that august body.

Thus, here we go, ho hum.

5-1 for last weekend.

Duke beat hapless Florida State. Woe is unto the Seminoles. Colorado beat somebody, and is actually improving, as loathe as I am to admit it. Billy Napier continues his escape from the Dead Man Walking list. The Gators beat, you know already, that team up the road. The Indiana Cignetti’s continued their unblemished dream season with a downright massacre of the Cornhuskers. They did lose their QB for a few weeks though. A thumb thing.

Miami bested the Cardinals, which I infamously predicted, much to the chagrin and ire of some loyal readers. They wish for me to claim responsibility. Which I shall not do, given that I wasn’t in the coaching booth, nor on the sideline with a headset, nor in pads trying to block and tackle.

Georgia did what Georgia has smartly done in recent times. They underwhelm early on. We begin to question them. Then they dominate the alleged #1 contingent, on the latter’s home turf. That’s my miss.

I have not gotten more wrong than right any week the entire campaign. Only in Week I, when we really didn’t know much, did I mistake more than two. And that’s happened only thrice, meaning one L weekends, to tag along with a couple perfectos.

Excuse me for a second, I need to get treatment for my arm which I just wrenched out of joint patting myself on the back.

39-12 for the year.

This week’s winners: Continue reading Seedy K’s Peerless Pigskin Prognostications: Week IX

Seedy K’s Peerless Pigskin Prognostications: Week VIII

Ho hum, another 4-1 weekend for the kid.

But, ya know, it never gets boring.

And the one I missed: Kentucky.

So be it.

Vandy is pretty good we now have to admit. That Pavia kid is A Footballer.

Oregon escaped because the Buckeye’s transfer portal QB had a faulty inner clock. And Coach Lanning’s crafty use of the rules and the clock.

Texas won because Brent Venables  was a really good, actually great defensive coach and when Oklahoma came calling should have listened to that inner voice that turned down down previous offers for the first chair. Which it appears

Pitt won because it hit the jackpot when choosing its TPQB, and Cal was just tired enough from that time zone travel.

Louisville won.

So, the tally: 4-1 on the weekend, pushes my already lofty season numbers to 34-11.

This week’s winners: Continue reading Seedy K’s Peerless Pigskin Prognostications: Week VIII

Seedy K’s Peerless Pigskin Prognostications: Week V

Not a lot of shtick to share about last weekend.

It happens.

Went 4-2 but it felt less than good.

Southern Cal looked still pretty OK still on both sides of the ball, but Michigan under new coach Sherrone Moore proved more capable than it previously had. Stanford came up big in the Carrier Dome, as Syracuse fell back to the norm a bit. Could have used the Dome Ranger going long.

So I got those wrong.

Florida State finally won one. IU, UK and U of L also prevailed.

Like I said, 4-2 for the weekend, 20-7 on the campaign.

This weekend’s winners: Continue reading Seedy K’s Peerless Pigskin Prognostications: Week V

Louisville CardFile: Indiana

There were no expectations in this corner that U of L could or would win a game at MSG this weekend.

And, frankly, there were no expectations from here that they’d be legitimately competitive against Texas, UConn or IU.

And so I sit here after two tough losses in winnable games, doing something I never expected to be doing.

Replaying moments or interludes when the tilts might have turned.

Dealing with that gnawing disappointment that comes with coulda woulda shoulda defeats.

Hoping that a little dinner will remove that pit in my stomach.

Frankly, as an old fart with a faint heart and too many miles on the odometer, it’s often easier when circumstances are such, you can say, “Well, it just ain’t happenin’.”

So much for that.

Though U of L followed up its last second heartbreaker to Texas with a meltdown late against IU, the improvements were manifest. Continue reading Louisville CardFile: Indiana

Seedy K’s Peerless Pigskin Prognostications: Week III

At some point last Saturday evening, luxuriating in Arkansas’ smackaround of Texas,  I was pretty damned pleased with my huuuuuge comeback bubbling up in Week II.

Until I checked my documents, and realized that it was Arkansas State I had predicted would prevail over Memphis State, not the Razorbacks over the Longhorns.

The Tigers prevailed in that defensive tussle, 55-50. Each squad gobbled up almost 700 yards of O apiece.

Don’t get old, kids. The memory fades. Precipitously.

Buuuut, I did correctly pick ACC’s Pitt Panthers over the Vols. In Rocky Top. And the rising Cats, and Cards in their walkover. Mike Leach’s Mississippi State handled N.C. State, in another battle of States. Which I got wrong.

So, despite the self confusion about the schools from The Natural State, I still got more right than wrong. 3-2 for the weekend, head still above water, 8-6 on the season.

Interesting matchups continue, as actual autumn draws nigh.

This weekend’s winners: Continue reading Seedy K’s Peerless Pigskin Prognostications: Week III

Seedy K’s Peerless Pigskin Prognostications: Week XV

Edited 12/11 8:15 AM. How ’bout that Coastal Carolina?

As predicted here, the Chanticleers prevailed last weekend.

Of course, there is the minor differentiation in that the vanquished was Brigham Young, not the intended foe Liberty. So, in the interest of ethics, truth, justice, and the American way, I shall put the game down in the DNP column, as opposed to heralding it as a correct prognostication.

After all, it’s the right thing to do.

What a battle it was, ending when five CC secondary defenders in teal and black swarmed a Cougars receiver, stopping him short of the goal line as the clock struck zero zero colon zero zero.

How sweet and fitting. Because, you understand, BYU, which appearing to look like it desired enhancing its easy schedule, said it would “play anyone anytime anywhere,” when it really wouldn’t. Truth be told, Washington of the PAC12 offered them a game, to which the previously undefeated against jayvee competition Cougars said, “Uh no.”


Purdue also fell. While Texas A&M, Iowa State, and Kentucky all prevailed as you would have known would happen from reading me last week here. Which victory the Wildcats celebrated by firing their OC, and another coordinator.

3-1-1 on the weekend, raises my tally to 44-25-6 for the year.

Not bad, considering all that’s happening off the field which is affecting who actually takes to gridiron, as well as how they perform.

This week’s winners: Continue reading Seedy K’s Peerless Pigskin Prognostications: Week XV