Tag Archives: Larry Brown

Louisville Card File: SMU

dunikcardOn a night when there were Cowboys in the corral, past, present and always — That would be Troy Aikman, Tony Romo and Jerry Jones — they were confronted with the new sheriffs in town.

Not TV’s Hannibal Heyes and Jedidiah “Kid” Curry, but the REAL Alias Smith and Jones — That would be Russ and Chris — who rode into town, tamed the Mustangs, went veni, vidi, vici before the school marms could flutter their lashes and were vámonos with a W before Dubya in the front row could figure out what was happening.

Yes, kids, it was that kind of victory. One to savor. One to joke about. One worthy of the most purple of prose.

Thus I must opine that the 7300 or so rabid SMU fans did not savor a Night In White Satin.

They remain in Search of the Lost Chord.

Their Days of Future (have) Passed. At least momentarily. Continue reading Louisville Card File: SMU