At the risk of this seeming a fawning imitation of Glorious Editor, allow me to commence today’s exercise with some metrics. You know, like how he always starts with a point spread or something.
A little thing that will be known from now until Selection Sunday as 3Gs+Net. Referencing the three most respected hoops gurus, Ken Pomeroy, Bart Torkvik and Evan Miyakawa, plus the NCAA’s official rankings.
The Cardinals as of Thursday morning, January 30:
BT: 22.
KP: 25.
EM: 24.
NET: 25. Q1: 5-5, Q2: 3-0, Q3: 4-0, Q4: 4-0.
For comparison, if I counted correctly, there are 20 schools with winning Q1 records, and another dozen or so at .500 like U of L.
Translation: Were the bracket revealed today, U of L would be more than likely on the 5 or 6 line.
Yes, the ACC is down, way down this season. Louisville has not a lot ahead to add gloss to that resumé. Pitt. Stanford? Uh, that’s about it.
Here’s what’ll secure that spot: Just win, baybee. Starting with GT. And winning, as they have during this double digit W streak, by more than the metrics say they “should.”
Then come 7:00 pm on March 16, the Red&Black Nation be goin’ all Nicholas Brothers and Fred & Ginger. Jitterbuggin’. Continue reading Hoopaholic’s Gazette: Quadrants ‘r’ Us