Tag Archives: Pat Kelsey

U of L CardFile: Georgia Tech

There is only what is and that’s it. What should be is a dirty lie.

Lenny Bruce was a wise man.

The Louisville Cardinals “should” have built on their somewhat deceptive 11 point halftime advantage and “should” have won their 11th in a row.

But there’s only what is and that’s it.

As happened with the Cards last ten game win skein, it died in McCamish.

That game in ’20 ended 59-64 favor of the Ramblin’ Wreck.

Saturday afternoon’s was 70-77 favor of the far more assertive Engineers.

 * * * *  *

What happens in the euphoria of a winning streak, damn the analytics that U of L would be favorites in the rest of their regular season games is you still gotta play better than the other team. And score more points.

The last eight minutes of the Wake Forest game was obviously a harbinger. Continue reading U of L CardFile: Georgia Tech

Hoopaholic’s Gazette: Quadrants ‘r’ Us

At the risk of this seeming a fawning imitation of Glorious Editor, allow me to commence today’s exercise with some metrics. You know, like how he always starts with a point spread or something.

A little thing that will be known from now until Selection Sunday as 3Gs+Net. Referencing the three most respected hoops gurus, Ken Pomeroy, Bart Torkvik and Evan Miyakawa, plus the NCAA’s official rankings.

The Cardinals as of Thursday morning, January 30:

BT: 22.

KP: 25.

EM: 24.

NET: 25. Q1: 5-5, Q2: 3-0, Q3: 4-0, Q4: 4-0.

For comparison, if I counted correctly, there are 20 schools with winning Q1 records, and another dozen or so at .500 like U of L.

Translation: Were the bracket revealed today, U of L would be more than likely on the 5 or 6 line.

Yes, the ACC is down, way down this season. Louisville has not a lot ahead to add gloss to that resumé. Pitt. Stanford? Uh, that’s about it.

Here’s what’ll secure that spot: Just win, baybee. Starting with GT. And winning, as they have during this double digit W streak, by more than the metrics say they “should.”

Then come 7:00 pm on March 16, the Red&Black Nation be goin’ all Nicholas Brothers and Fred & Ginger. Jitterbuggin’. Continue reading Hoopaholic’s Gazette: Quadrants ‘r’ Us

Hoopaholic’s Gazette: Coaches, Best & Beleaguered

The other night on CBS Sports Network college hoops nightly wrap up, Walt Szczerbiak uttered this often invoked take about the sport and a once proud program gone fallow but now on the comeback.

“College basketball is better when XXX is good.”

And as my loyal readers have surely guessed, he was not referring to the three time national champion Louisville Cardinals.

But by a school coached by a former Cardinal mentor, Rick Pitino.

St. John’s.

Of course, as others have indeed said, if that’s a truism, it certainly applies to U of L. The sport is better when the Cardinals are relevant.

Johnnie fans are having dreams of Chris Mullen era success, as we locals are moving back into the halcyon bliss of Grif and the McCrays.

Do we love J’Vonne Hadley doing the dirty work like Herb Crook?

Duh. Continue reading Hoopaholic’s Gazette: Coaches, Best & Beleaguered

Dealing With It

On the way to workout Tuesday, I heard Dolly Parton’s righteous version of Bob Seger’s “Night Moves,” with help from Chris Stapleton.

More than a half century on, it still cut to the core.

Still now I’m “tryin’ to lose those awkward teenage blues.”

Almost fresh, the missed moments of “tryin’ to make some front page drive in news” roiled through me.

I dunno, you’d think I’d moved on by now.

Apparently not.

But one of the lyrics resonated more presently on Wednesday morning after.

“Workin’ on mysteries without any clues.”

I mean, where do the if-it-wasn’t-for-bad-luck-they’d-have-no-luck-at-all Louisville Cardinals go from here? Continue reading Dealing With It

Hoopaholic’s Gazette: 11/07

Trying to be more clever than I oughta in my Pigskin Prognostications this week, I made a historical mistake about Greek Mythos. About Sparta and Troy and that Wooden Horse, and who was zoomin’ whom.

Which a more knowing reader than I called me out on.

Good on him. Or her, whichever applies.

I’m getting to hoops, but I’m a wordy guy and it’s a long winding road, and I’ve got time because I rescheduled my HVAC appointment ’cause the guy was running hours late. Stick around, we’ll get there.

After a couple of minutes and a few added seconds of research, I relearned that the whole Trojan War brouhaha started when Paris of Troy charmed Helen, while she was betrothed to Menelaus. Who was the King of Sparta. Hubby didn’t take kindly to that.

Or, somethin’ like that, if my reading comprehension of Mr. Wiki is correct.

What I did learn of peripheral importance here is that, according to the various chroniclers of said conflict, neither of my personal favorite Greek GodWarriors — Naismithius and Bronconagurskius — were hidden in that horse. Probably a good thing, given there probably wasn’t any sort of bathroom facility inside said wooden trap.

Which senseless riffing leads me to what I am not going to do as an entry to chatting about Michigan basketball coach Dusty May. Continue reading Hoopaholic’s Gazette: 11/07

Pat Kelsey’s Latest Eye Opener

By all accounts, Pat Kelsey knew of U of L’s monumental basketball tradition and place in the hierarchy of the sport before being tapped as the Cards’ coach.

That has been underscored by his reception in the community, his schooling how this area is the epicenter of college hoops fanaticism. How intense is the level of hunger for some success among the citizens of the Red & Black Nation.

Yet . . . yet . . . yet . . . he still seemed genuinely taken aback when walking into the media room at the Floyd Street practice facility for a presser on Thursday.

The place was so jammed there weren’t enough chairs for all. So many cables from so many TV cameras, a couple of folks nearly tripped when trying to maneuver about.

His opening comment was an expression of wonder that on a Thursday afternoon in June there would be so much attention being paid.

So it is. Continue reading Pat Kelsey’s Latest Eye Opener

Hoopaholic’s Gazette: Joey B Predicts

These three words that more than any others fill the heart of a too long suffering 24/7/365(6) Cardinal Hoopaholic.

Magic words these days, truth be told, all things considered.

“Last Four In”

My main man, Joey Brackets. Gracias.

I’ve always admired a person who made a career out of their personal obsession. Or their default personality.

Dick Vitale. Even as hard as it was to listen to him after the shtick wore off. But always himself.

Joe Lunardi, who while working in the St. Joseph’s athletic department, started crafting bracket predictions. He’s far from the best these days. But he has the biggest platform at ESPN. Plus he invented the thing, Bracketology, bless him. Continue reading Hoopaholic’s Gazette: Joey B Predicts

Hoopaholic’s Gazette: We Have Lift Off

(The graphic that accompanies this post should be credited. Except that I haven’t the slightest idea who created it? If anybody reading knows, please let me know so that credit can be given where it’s due.)

Transparency here.

I haven’t a whole lot to talk about this time around.

Snark Alert: Other than, you know, the Cards have a full roster. But other than that . . .

Truth is, some FB friend posted the above graphic. Which immediately entered my Top 3 Cardinal graphics of forever. Along with Dunking Card. Duh. And the cover of the ’74-’75 SI preseason hoops issue.

So I just wanted to post something to use it.

And, minor matter. we got a new COO around here. Some former Aussie footy player named Glock Dementus. Whose management style is, uh, heavy handed. Can’t imagine why similarly inclined Glorious Editor might have hired him. Anyway, he not so subtly advised I had contractual obligations to meet.

 * * * * *

It is a phrase often heard to describe what’s just happened with Cardinal basketball.

“He hit the ground running.” Continue reading Hoopaholic’s Gazette: We Have Lift Off

Diss & Dat(a): $$$$ Part Zwei

So after he made reference of the boatload of moolah 502Circle threw at Kasean Pryor to complete his student athleticism at U of L, and not under The Rick or Coach Cal, I inquired of Glorious Editor how much?

He gave me a ballpark reference. Hint: A lot.

At which time, I thought maybe Ol’ Seedy should enter the portal, see what a defection down the road might bring were I to convert to Bluediasm?

GE saw through my ruse. He knew it was but a feign. Offered me not a nanofarthing uptick in the pittance I get for dodging my readers’ barbs.

So, here I sit, tethered to my red & black keyboard, buying my vittles on time at the company store, to which I owe my soul.

But excited for next academic/athletic year. Which can’t come soon enough. Continue reading Diss & Dat(a): $$$$ Part Zwei

Hoopaholic’s Gazette: Got My Fix

So, as previously reported, your inveterate Cardinal-loving wag awakened Thursday morn jonesing for a college hoops fix.

The withdrawal was severe.

And then, like manna from heaven, like back in the day my man would actually answer the phone when I needed to connect right then, the day unfolded.

It was like that day in ’70 in a field in Byron, Ga when I heard Duane and Dickey for the first time.

Or, more appropriately, let’s jump in the time machine back to January 28, 1956. It was like that blissful evening.

My obsession with U of L hoops was already four years on, though I was only 11.

That night is, to the best of my memory, the first time there was hoops on TV here. Television was still pretty rudimentary, the Milton Berle phase, just getting its sea legs.

A doubleheader no less.

My parents, from whom I am genetically disposed to hoopaholism, allowed me to stay up to the end beyond my bedtime. Continue reading Hoopaholic’s Gazette: Got My Fix